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Microsoft FrontPage 2000

Microsoft FrontPage 2000

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Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Web site creation and management tool is the quick, effective way for novices and experienced Web builders to create and manage professional, appealing Internet or intranet sites without knowing how to program. The Official Microsoft Frontpage 2000 Book provides an overview of the popular Web creation and management program and its processes, along with a reference section. Readers will learn to integrate various kinds of documents into a Web site, create sites within a workgroup, and use advanced features that would otherwise be beyond their abilities. Because it's designed for those with no previous Web page production background, this book helps users quickly and easily produce Web pages using new industrial-strength Web tools such as advanced HTML and data-receiving templates, as well as Web page creation and publishing via electronic mail. Clear instructions present the fundamentals and then build upon learned skills as more complicated issues unfold.
SKU Number: SKU64
Volumetric Weight used for shipping. (Not actual weight of product) 1.00 lbs
Original Wholesale price: $154.65
Wholesale price: $115.99 (82.84)
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