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Motherboard P3APA VIA 694, UltraDMA 66, AGP 4x, 133Mhz FSB

Motherboard P3APA VIA 694, UltraDMA 66, AGP 4x, 133Mhz FSB

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- Intel Pentium III Processor with 100MHz, 133MHz FSB Frequency
- Intel Pentium II Processor with 66MHz, 100MHz FSB Frequency
- Celeron CPU
- Socket 370 Celeron CPU / Coppermine CPU

- VIA VT82C694X
- VIA VT82C686A

- 3 x 168 pin DIMMs to support up to1.5GB SDRAM or EDO

- 5 x 32 Bit PCI Slots, PCI 2.1 Compliant
- 1 x 16 Bit ISA Slots
- 1 x Universal AGP Slot (1X, 2X, 4X)
- 1 x AMR Slot
SKU Number: SKU165
Volumetric Weight used for shipping. (Not actual weight of product) 1.00 lbs
Original Wholesale price: $200.00
Wholesale price: $150.00 (107.13)
  * Plus shipping
  (unless otherwise noted)
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