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Offspring - Smash

Offspring - Smash

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Call them the Nine Inch Nails of punk. Like NIN, the Offspring preserve the essential ingredients of their chosen genre - guitars grinding out three chords, shouted vocals, and plenty of vitriol - and layer them over a melodic base that packs considerable popular appeal. The singles from Smash, the Offspring's breakthrough album, still receive considerable radio airplay: "Gotta Get Away", "Come Out and Play", and "Self Esteem". With these and Smash's 11 other tracks, the band chronicles the adolescent experience with clarity and surprisingly incisive wit. That pretty much describes all of their albums, but this is the one to get. It's got more shape than their earlier material and isn't as disturbingly poppy as their more recent recordings; it's the perfect blend of riffs and rage.
SKU Number: SKU80
Volumetric Weight used for shipping. (Not actual weight of product) 1.00 lbs
Original Wholesale price: $18.65
Wholesale price: $13.99 (9.99)
  * Plus shipping
  (unless otherwise noted)
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